地址: 廣東東莞市虎門樹田工業區
Q Q :768328757
東莞市廣毅榮冷拉鋼廠;精密帶鋼在熱處理生產的過程中,往往需要停下設備來對帶鋼的彎曲變形進行人工拉線檢測,通過ADC定時采集位移傳感器產生的數據,并由MCU處理、記錄,可以實現對帶鋼彎曲變形的在線自動檢測,通過試驗驗證該在線檢測系統可以有效地提高檢測精度和帶鋼生產效率,并實時建立起帶鋼彎曲變形數據庫。 Precision strip steel production in the heat treatment process often need to stop bending deformation of the strip pull test. The data which acquired by ADC timing collected by the displacement sensor and generated by the MCU processing and recording, can achieve the line automatic detection of strip bending deformation, verifying by experiment that the system can effectively improve the detection accuracy and strip production efficiency, and establish real-time database of bending strip. 針對國內某廠冷連軋高強鋼生產過程中帶鋼頻繁跑偏問題,對原料楔形及帶鋼跑偏進行了模擬分析,根據體積不變原則及楔形率變化研究了帶鋼在機架內跑偏的靜態模型和動態模型。結果顯示,軋制過程中帶鋼原料楔形與其在機架內的跑偏呈二次積分關系,不能簡單通過楔形正負抵消來消除軋制過程跑偏。 To the problem of high-strength strip running-off frequently during cold continuous rolling, the relation ship between material wedge and strip running-off were analyzed. Both static and dynamic models of strip running off were studied based on wedge rate changing and principle of constant volume. The results show that there is 2-order integration relationship between material wedge and strip running-off during cold rolling. The running-off can not be eliminated by wedge positive-negative offset. |