地址: 廣東東莞市虎門樹田工業區
Q Q :768328757
東莞市廣毅榮冷拉鋼廠;由于手動上卷操作占用較長時間,而且需要兩個人操作,采用自動上卷控制不僅可以縮短上卷時間,大大的提高生產效率,而且還可以避免因為鋼卷中心為對準卷軸中心而造成的鋼卷撞擊卷軸等事故,因此,采用自動上卷控制還是有必要的。 金屬板材表面檢測系統,可以廣泛應用于鋁板,銅板,不銹鋼等板材的表面缺陷檢測。檢測系統對被檢對象缺陷進行實時定位,分類并作出報告。系統使用一個或多個高速線掃描攝像機對檢測對象進行檢測,并使用一個或多個光源對檢測區域進行照明,旋轉編碼器跟蹤被檢測對象長度方向位置。 自動厚度控制(AGC:AutomaticGaugeContr01)功能的目的是通過精軋機壓下機構的調整以及其他一些補償措施,消除在軋制過程中沿帶鋼長度方向因各種原因產生的帶鋼厚度偏差,保證精軋成品帶鋼縱向(沿中心線)厚度滿足精度要求。 Automatic gauge control ( AGC: Automatic Gauge Control ) function is designed by the finishing mill screwdown adjustment as well as a number of other compensation measures, eliminate in the process of rolling along the length of the strip direction for various reasons the strip thickness deviation, ensure fmish rolling strip longitudinally ( along the center line ) thickness to meet the accuracy requirements 降低軋制油消耗一直是不銹鋼冷軋企業比較關注的問題,尤其是生產成本、環境污染等因素的影響,軋制油的回收就顯得更為重要。某鋼企設計制造了一套油回收系統,采用擴大集油盤的尺寸、高效二級油霧回收系統、鋼卷存放集油臺等裝置和措施。在實際生產中取得了良好的效果,有效回收更多的軋制油。 It has been more concerned about steel enterprise how to reduce oil consumption in the process ot the cold roiling of stainless steel. Especially, oil recovery becomes more important because of some reasons, such as the cost of production and environmental pollution. A set of full oil recovery system is designed and manufactured by a steel enterprise which equipped with a set of expanded size oil pan, high efficiency two-stage mist recovery system and a oil collection platform. The result has shown that the system can effectively recover more oil in the actual production. |